Directed donations to MCC website open now
We’re very excited to provide a way folks can directly contribute to the Farhat’s journey to Canada and receive a tax receipt.
The Mennonite Central Committee, the SAH that is helping us do the paperwork to sponsor the Farhat family, has created a directed funds page. This can process transactions directly and give donors a receipt per transaction, or a year-end aggregated tax receipt.
We’ve already raised $41k so far, so we set the total for the MCC directed funds account at $70k to bring us to a total of $111k. We anticipate that we’ll be able to have a few more in-person events to bring us up to the final total of $114k at we were told we needed for the entire family.
I’ll work on a way to display total progress to our goal on the website, although that might be slower to update since we’ll have finances in at least three places.
Thank you so much,