Fundraising ride #2

This Saturday the 22nd, I’m going to be attempting to complete a fundraising ride that I started in late May of this year. At about 2/3 the way through, I hit a wayward railroad track, falling from my bike and breaking my elbow in the process.

Since then I’ve been thinking constantly about how satisfying it will be when I eventually finish the ride.

The lofty, impossible goal was to raise $100,000 over the course of the ride, but obviously doing that as a one-man-show was a long shot. Even still, God shows up in powerful ways and we have so far secured just under $25,000 to pay for our friends the Smiths to come to Canada.

One can hope that we’ll make another $25,000 this weekend; anything is possible. Click the Donate Here link at the top of the site to find the place where you can donate whatever you are able to.

I’ll post a retrospective here once I’m done my ride.

Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers so I don’t have another hospital visit in my near future.

With warmth,



Our first Christmas funraiser


Updates will be posted here