Our first Christmas funraiser

Hi everyone,

Last year at about this time, we were just finding out how much work there lay ahead for helping the Smith family. Sandy and I were in constant conversation with our church and other organizations, putting together pieces of how Canada allows refugees to apply to immigrate. Very quickly on, we realized it wouldn’t be possible for our bible study to do it on our own, and our community has stepped up in big ways since then.

So far this year we have raised just over $26,000 towards our goal of $100k. We continue to be astounded by folks’ generosity. But we still have a long way to go.

This December, there is another way for people to give back. A member of our broader community (who runs an etsy shop!) decided that they would donate twenty pieces of hand-made jewelry to us in order to sell by donation. We’ve created an online store, and taken high-quality photos to showcase just how great her pieces are.

Now we’re in a place where whoever buys one of these pieces has a tangible reminder of the fact that they moved the Smith family one step closer to arriving somewhere they are safe and valued. Please, if you think there is anyone interested in the items in stock, share the store so we can continue to bring the Smiths closer.

I’m looking forward to hand-delivering the purchases (to the Lower Mainland only!) and meeting the people who also care about providing for a family in need.

Happy holidays, and for those who celebrate the arrival of Christ on Earth, Merry Christmas.


Our first exciting steps


Fundraising ride #2